Bachelor theses
We are pleased that you are interested in writing a bachelor thesis at our institute. The allocation of the bachelor thesis positions is done via the central application procedure of the Faculty.
Master Theses
The registration of a master's thesis is organized as follows: In the first step, you write an e-mail with an area of interest, the desired registration date and a current transcript of records to Dr. Ute Lohse. You can choose from the following areas:
- Behavioral Insurance and Finance
- Decision Making under Uncertainty
- Sustainable Insurance and Investing
- Risk Management
- Experimental Finance
Subsequently, a meeting will be arranged with you, at which individual topics from your area of interest will be proposed, which you can work on. Under special circumstances, it is also possible to propose your own topic (e.g. In cooperation with a company).
Basically, the master's thesis includes its own empirical study. For this purpose, the use of empirical statistical software (e.g. R, Matlab or Stata) is usually unavoidable. In addition, the thesis must be written in English, unless it is developed in cooperation with a company.
If you have any questions, please contact Dr. Ute Lohse or Prof. Dr. Schneider.

30167 Hannover

30167 Hannover