Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Johann-Matthias Graf von der Schulenburg

30167 Hannover

Focus in research and teaching
- Insurance Economics
- Health Economics
Curriculum Vitae
Personal data
J.-Matthias Graf v. d. SchulenburgPlace of birth
Hamburg, GermanyMartial status
married, three childrenNationality
German -
Dr. rer. pol. habil., Technical University Berlin1986
Dr. rer. pol. habil., Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich1981
Dr. rer. pol., Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich1977
Master in Economics, Georg-August-University Göttingen1972-1977
Study of "Economics", "Sociology" and "Law", University Bielefeld und Georg-August-University Göttingen1974-1975
Study of "International Relations", University Mendez Pelayo, Spain1970-1972
Military service at the German Armed Forces (last rank: Lieutenant)1969
Abitur (German High School Degree), Carl-Severing-School, Bielefeld -
Professional Career
Professor of Business Management and Director of the Institute for Risk and Insurance, Gottfried-Wilhelm-Leibniz-University Hannover1995 – 2014
Founder and Owner of HSR GmbH, later Herescon GmbH (today Xcenda Germany), specialised on consultancy on market access and pricing and reimbursement of pharmaceutical products
1984 – 1988
Research Fellow and from 1987 Managing Director at the International Institute of Management (IIM), Science Center Berlin
1981 – 1982
Research Fellow at the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs, Princeton University
1977 – 1984
Academic Assistent at the Insitute for International Economic Relations, Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich
Academic activities
2009 - today
Member of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts2002 - 2018
Managing Director of the Competence Center for Risk and Insurance, Hannover2001 - today
Member of the Academy of Sciences and Literature, Mainz2011 - 2020
Head of the Center for Health Economics Research (CHERH), Hannover1991 - 1992
Visiting professor at the Laboratoire d’Economie et de Sociologie du Travail, Aix-en-Provence, and at the Hautes Études Commerciales, Jouy-en-Josas, Franc -
Offers of Professorships (Declined)
Professor of Management and Health Economics, Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich1994
Professor of Health Economics, University of Ulm1991
Senior director of the International Institute of Management, Sciences Center Berlin1991
Professor of Economics, Technical University Berlin1987
Professor of Economic Theory, University Cologne -
Scientific awards and prizes
Asklepios Award, Athens, Greece2003
Award from the Drustvo Ekonomistov V Zdravstvu (Association of the Slovenian health economists)1998
Pharmig-Award (Association of the Austrian pharmaceutical industry)1991
Award Best Article of the Journal of Risk and Insurance (American Association on Risk and Insurance)1990
German-French Science Price (Alexander von Humboldt Foundation)1989
Certificate of Distinguished Submission for The Jan Blanpain Award (European Healthcare Management Association)1981
First Prize for Health Economics (Federal Department for Social Affairs, Germany) -
Editorship of scientific journals
2008 - 2017
Editorial Board Member of The Open Pharmacoeconomics & Health Economics Journal2000 - today
Editor in Chief of the European Journal of Health Economics1999 - 2019
Editor in Chief of the German Journal on Risk and Insurance (Zeitschrift für die gesamte Versicherungswirtschaft)1998 - today
Co-editor of the Gesundheitsökonomie & Qualitätsmanagement1988 - 2010
Consultant Editor der European Journal of Law and Economics1988 - 1996
Associate Editor of the Health Economics1988 - 1996
Associate Editor of the Geneva Papers of Risk and Insurance Theory1985 - 2010
Associate Editor of the Journal of Health Economics1983 - today
Co-editor of the Homo Oeconomicus2010 - today
Editor-in-chief of Health Economics Review